Classifying Images with Feature Transformations

Classifying Images with Feature Transformations

Dataset Exploration

Dataset Exploration

Assess Loss and Error vs. Training Iterations

Assess Loss and Error vs. Training Iterations

Classifying Images with Feature Transformations

Octorber 2020

For the first project for my machine learning class, we were given two datasets. The popular MNIST1 dataset corresponds to handwritten digits of 8 and 9 for Part 1 and images of sandals and shoes from the FASHION MNIST2 dataset for Part 2. For part 1, our tasks are to explore the use of logistic regression models and determine the effect of various hyperparameter optimizations on the model’s accuracy on the digit image data. For part 2, our task is to find the best possible model on the Fashion MNIST dataset in determining the difference between shoes and sandals. Methodologies are explained in both sections, along with respective figures and images.

Project report